Empowering Agencies with an Expert Offshore Team

Supercharge projects and reduce costs with our experienced offshore team of developers and virtual assistants, renowned for their professionalism and good communication.

  • Cut Your Costs

  • Expert Developers

  • Expert Virtual Assistants

Why Choose Us?

We have been where you are and we understand the challenges of growing an agency. We specialise in providing top-tier offshore developers and virtual assistants. Tailored specifically for marketing agencies who are ready to grow.

  • Developers: High Quality Code

We don’t just write code; we craft solutions. Our team of skilled developers are proficient in the latest technologies and frameworks, ensuring that every project we deliver is built on a foundation of clean, robust, and scalable code.

  • Virtual Assistants: Cost Effective

From managing emails and calendars to conducting research, scheduling appointments, and handling administrative tasks, virtual assistants excel in providing support across various domains. They can also assist with social media management, customer support, data entry, and basic bookkeeping, allowing you to focus on core business activities while ensuring operational efficiency.

How We Help Agencies Grow

Collaboration is at the heart of our service philosophy. We make working with offshore teams as smooth and straightforward as possible.

  • Great Communicators and Easy to Work With

Our team prioritises clear and effective communication, making collaboration smooth and straightforward. We ensure that our offshore team are not just technically proficient but also great at understanding and communication.

  • Allow you to Focus on the Business

Let us handle the technical heavy lifting while you focus on growing your business. Our end-to-end development services free up your internal resources, so you can concentrate on strategy, client acquisition, and service enhancement.

  • Enhanced Service Offerings

With our expertise, you can expand your service offerings to include even more custom web solutions & virtual assistants, giving you a competitive edge in the market.

Exceptional Communication: Building Trust and Partnership

At Your Dev Group, we believe that the foundation of a successful partnership lies in open, clear, and consistent communication. Our team are more than just service providers; they are your dedicated partners in growth and innovation.

  • Protecting Your Interests

We strictly adhere to a non-solicitation clause in our contracts, guaranteeing that we will not directly contact your clients under any circumstances. Our focus is on supporting your projects and upholding the highest ethical standards.

  • Providing Expertise

We pride ourselves on being experts, professional and responsive to your needs and queries. Our project management practices are designed to keep you informed and engaged throughout the development process.

Long Term Savings

Investing in our offshore services is not just about immediate cost reduction; it’s about setting up a sustainable, economical model for future growth.

Dedicated Developers

Reliable and high-quality web solutions.

  • Frontend Developers

  • Backend Developers

  • Wordpress Developers

  • eCommerce Shops

  • Mobile App Developers

  • API Integrations

  • IT Support

Virtual Assistants

Streamline your tasks with efficient, around-the-clock support.

  • Project Management

  • Email Management

  • Social Media Management

  • Sourcing Data & Data Entry

  • Content Creation

  • Research

  • Calendar Management

Frequently Asked Questions

Can your developers integrate with our existing teams?

Absolutely. Our developers are trained to seamlessly integrate with your current teams, adapting to your internal processes and communication tools to ensure cohesive and efficient collaboration.

How do you ensure the quality of the code?

We adhere to strict coding standards and best practices, conduct regular code reviews, and integrate automated testing throughout the development process to ensure high-quality, maintainable, and scalable code.

How do you handle data security and privacy?

We take data security seriously. Our developers follow stringent security protocols, including data encryption, secure coding practices, and compliance with international data protection regulations such as GDPR.

How do I ensure that you won't approach my clients?

We strictly adhere to a non-solicitation clause in our contracts, guaranteeing that we will not directly contact your clients under any circumstances. Our focus is on supporting your projects and upholding the highest ethical standards.

Can you offer Project Work & Dedicated Developers?

Yes, we offer both options. You can choose project-based work for specific, time-bound tasks, or opt for dedicated developers who will work exclusively on your projects, ensuring consistency and deep integration with your team.

What makes your offshore services cost-effective?

Our offshore model reduces labor costs and operational expenses, allowing us to offer competitive rates without sacrificing quality. Additionally, our efficient project management and scalable solutions mean you pay only for the resources you need, when you need them.

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